by Cheech
I don't think things have ever really shifted for me without some form of a catalyst. I learn my most lasting life lessons through pain. I like to call this the two-by-four (2 x 4) of wisdom across the forehead—“crack!” Yeah. I'm talking about lumber here. The Goddess of Wisdom in world myths (Isis, Sofia, Saraswati, Thoth, whatever name we call her) was supposed to be a kindly, beneficent deity, right? Well, she apparently has one hell of an overhand right 🥊.
So, when I said “shifted for me” before, what I was specifically talking about is moving forward out of any pattern that is no longer serving me. Whether this is an over-doing of something that I need to do less of or an under-doing of something I need to do more of, change usually requires some kind of an 🤕 ouchy before I'll take action.
Tao ☯️ slingers, like our Sensei Paul Bertolino, would chime in here and say that over-doing and under-doing arrive together. Usually, this would confound me, but lately, I am seeing the rightness and balance of it all.
For a deeper dive on making shifts and taking action, read Restoration and Comfort is the Enemy. Then consider joining me on a discovery call if any of this resonates with you. I plan to take action and I will share as I go!

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