1 min read

Unnecessary Baggage

In this multi-media, uber-complex; complicated world we live in, it seems, we hardly live at all; at least not consciously. We are driven, by chores and responsibilities; flooded with stimuli, both bad and good; constantly. In our high-tech...
Unnecessary Baggage

by Paul Bertolino

In this multi-media, uber-complex; complicated world we live in, it seems, we hardly live at all; at least not consciously.

We are driven, by chores and responsibilities; flooded with stimuli, both bad and good; constantly. In our high-tech, multi-task demanding world, we are often funneled through our waking hours, like leaves caught in a millstream. Frequently, we are not living at all, but merely surviving. We are all too often, just holding on…not thriving.

Only Live, means just that. When we learn to tease out all the things we don’t need and learn to only carry the weight of what is required of us to complete the exercises of our lives, we feel, naturally, much lighter. When we learn to sort out our unnecessary baggage, we can travel more freely. When we put down thought processes and illusory obligations that beguile us, our minds become clearer. We can see better what we need to do to become happier travelers on this earth. We can become more conscious of the little miracles taking place all around us. We can, perhaps for the first time, concentrate 100% on where we are, right now, and do what we were born to do; Only Live.

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