
Equis X

Equis X

Nature’s reliable cycles serve as rhythmic patterns that count steady time. They offer comfort within the vast expanse of continuous, unpredictable flux that feels amplified within my experience of the current reality. Moving into the fall months when darkness expands...
4 min read
My Yoga Journey

My Yoga Journey

Yoga has been part of my life for almost as long as I can remember, even though at first I didn’t know anything about yoga other than the stereotypical Western impression of the “pretzel 🥨 pose” known in Sanskrit as padmasana or full lotus posture.
4 min read
Sound and Silence

Sound and Silence

This morning as I struggled to get moving on my Monday morning to-do list, a friend shared this quote. “Sorry I’m late I sat on my bed in a towel for 34 minutes staring at a wall.”
3 min read