OLO #011 — Hey, are you OK? 😩

What's Inside
Workplace Stress and Professional Burnout
Sanctuary Isn't Born—It's Made!
June Class Schedule
Your Mat, Your Seat, Your Space
Donation-Based, Registration Required
How to Register
Workplace Stress and Professional Burnout
Pretty much since the end of the COVID-19 pandemic, we've noticed that something about the world of work still isn't working. Many of us are troubled by an unprecedented accumulation of daily workplace stresses that compound, amplify and trend towards not resolving. Some of us aren't sleeping very well, some of us are overindulging in things that temporarily help us cope, but professional burnout still looms. Ongoing stress like this is a kind of poison (think snake bite 🐍) so we're coming 'atcha with the self-care antidote!
(The self-care antidote 🧪 for workplace stress and burnout)
Small Group | 60 minutes, (Zoom Online)
We're offering a new 60 minute small group, movement, breath, stillness and sound experience in a four (4) session series on June 6, 13, 20 and 27 with a focus on igniting a summer self-care practice that is designed to smooth out the sharp edges. Those of us who are worn (and torn 💔) by the workplace can mend our wear and tear together. Showing up is half the battle, friends.
Sanctuary Isn't Born — It's Made! 🧑🏼🍳
Self-care is a creative act. When we're under siege with the stress of competing priorities, we try to solve by prioritizing. Prioritizing is good, but in that process, some of us find our own care placed on the never-ending treadmill of "the back burner". Creating sanctuary for ourselves on a daily basis is an essential part of crafting a sound wellness strategy. Sanctuary is strategy and we need strategy to be our best at work, at play and everywhere in-between. Join us!
June Class Schedule
Four (4) Thursdays at 6:00 pm in June (Zoom Online)
- June 6
- June 13
- June 20
- June 27
Your Mat, Your Seat, Your Space
Join in from the comfort of your own home, office or some other space where you can spend an uninterrupted hour in privacy. Optimally, please choose somewhere you can recline on a yoga mat (if you physically are able to do so). For those with more limited mobility, a sitting place that provides comfort, support and also allows some upper body movement would be great. If you have questions about any of the setup or details, just reply to this e-mail or give us a call at the number below.
Donation Based, Registration Required
This class is a "pay what you like", donation-based offering. Reserve your Zoom class space now and you'll receive a donation link after each class.
How to Register
To join us for the Zoom Online classes, use these links. Our class management system (momoyoga) will prompt you to create an account:
June 6

June 13

June 20

June 27

To register by phone, call: 772 - 678 - 9040
To register by e-mail, just reply to this message and we'll be glad to get you plugged in to the schedule.
Any questions?
Just reply to this e-mail, send an e-mail to support@oloinc.org or call: