

- Art Has Our Back -

The creative life isn't reserved for just those people who think they can draw, or paint, or write, or perform well on stage.   Those are all worthwhile pursuits, and we'll engage them all as we endeavor to dive into maker-hood and learn more together.  We will write, draw, paint and even perform.  It will be awesome!

The arts are for us all.   They are powerful ways for us to begin to access what's inside of ourselves.  To express!  We like to tack the arts onto our movement practices, so watch the schedule in order to come out to play with us.  You do not have to be “an artist” in order to get in touch with this important part of yourself.

We also believe that service is a creative act in itself, so opportunities to serve are baked right into our organization.  There is no easier way to get away from your own limiting beliefs, negative self-talk, depression, and anxiety than to get involved in volunteer service.  We are a charitable organization. Serving others is what we love to do.  We have learned that life's just better when we're serving.

Our intention in engaging the arts is to make a container for and to facilitate expression, exploration, and contemplation.  We are gonna save ourselves.  Art has our back.

Check out our schedule to learn more.

Check Out Digital Jung's Jason Smith on Creativity and Play (23:52)

We are particularly interested in the emerging field of Neuroarts, and with the Neuroarts Blueprint.

“Neuroarts is the transdisciplinary study of how the arts and aesthetic experiences measurably change the body, brain, and behavior and how this knowledge is translated into specific practices that advance health and wellbeing.”

Check out this video to learn more about the intersection of arts, mind, health, and well-being:


1Neuro-Arts Blueprint

The NeuroArts Blueprint Initiative - NeuroArts Blueprint
The moment for building the field of neuroarts has arrived. The science is primed and the NeuroArts Blueprint: The Science of Arts, Health and Well-Being is positioned to take the field forward. For too long, the problems of chronic and degenerative diseases, mental health challenges, trauma, and ad…
1Neuro-Arts Blueprint

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