OLO #007 – 1st Saturdays + Zoom Yoga w/ Cheech

JANUARY 14, 2022
Namaste, 🙏🏽 and welcome to the seventh issue [#007] of the official OLO, Inc. (Only Live Outreach, Incorporated) newsletter. We're dedicated to empowering people through education and instruction in the expressive arts, meditation, and movement. Since 2003, we've promoted the daily practice of self-inquiry, civic engagement, volunteerism, yoga, and kindness by offering no-cost and low-cost group classes on Florida's Treasure Coast.
1st Saturdays Dharma Talks are Live 🔥!!!
Our new Dharma Talk series continues in Saint Lucie West (1860 SW Fountainview Boulevard, Port Saint Lucie, FL 34986) out near I-95 in the City of Port Saint Lucie, FL. We'll be hosting them on the first Saturday of the month and you can register now for Feb 4th, Mar 4th, and Apr 1st, 2023. Join us for the next gathering! Registration is required, and you can easily do so online in just a few clicks. All details are online and will be sent in your registration confirmation. There are only ten (10) seats available in this offering, so reserve your spot below:
SAT 2-4-23 DHARMA TALK + ZEN PRACTICE @ 10:00 am.

SAT 3-4-23 DHARMA TALK + ZEN PRACTICE @ 10:00 am

SAT 4-1-23 DHARMA TALK + ZEN PRACTICE @ 10:00 am

Nuts & Bolts of Yoga Series is on Zoom w/ Cheech
The Nuts & Bolts of Yoga, our yoga variety show, is now on Zoom! Take an early morning, thirty (37) minute dive into a wide variety of fun yoga topics with us. It's a shortie, but so crammed with such good stuff that you will never want it to end. #boom 💥 Our first series of the new year is going to have a chakra focus. Join us at 5:15 am for Seven Circles Tuesdays from Feb 14 - Mar 28, 2023. This class is free, but you can also purchase a donation pass if you wish.
What's a Chakra? A Chakra is a moving energy center or vortex in the body that is recognized widely in the Eastern contemplative traditions like yoga and the martial arts, tai chi and in a variety of healing arts. The chakras correspond to our physical anatomy, they have a direct relationship with the spine, and to our nerve centers as well. We'll be practicing breath and movement, learning about chakra focus, function, and the balance of our energy systems. Each link below will take you to each class registration page. It's a series, but each class is separate and you don't have to attend all seven (7). Every experience will stand alone and all (18 and over) are welcome.
2023 - Seven Circles Tuesdays 💖 Valentine's Day Kickoff 🏈
FEB 14 - Chakra 1: ROOT ❤️ Mulhadara
FEB 21 - Chkara 2: SACRAL 🧡 Svadisthana
FEB 28 - Chakra 3: SOLAR PLEXUS 💛 Manipura
MAR 7 - Chakra 4: HEART 💚 Anahata
MAR 14 - Chakra 5: THROAT 💙 Vishuddha
MAR 21 - Chakra 6: THIRD EYE 💜 Ajna
MAR 28 - Chakra 7: CROWN 💎 Sahasrara
*Each session of this practice will end in Cheech's famous 7 minute chakra journey relaxation!
How to Punchpass
You'll have to get logged onto our reservation system (called Punchpass) in order to reserve, so if you're new, click Create Account to get started. If you've been with us before, that Sign In-->Forgot your password combo is really handy for a quick re-set! As always, space is limited, so reservations are almost always required.

If you have any trouble at all, please contact us for support. You can reply to this message or e-mail: support@oloinc.org.
Member Support
Some of our new friends have experienced a little difficulty with registering for classes. One tip we have to share is that our OLO registration system is separate from all other systems you may have signed up for with us in the past, so if you've never attended a Dharma Talk or yoga class before, you'll need to follow the steps above to create an account. Once you do so, you'll get all the reminders, class resources and ability to manage your reservations online.
If you ever need our support getting registered, just reply to this message or e-mail: support@oloinc.org.
Add Us to Your Amazon Smile to Donate at No Cost to You
We've added some new ways to contribute for those of you who are interested in donating. Please visit the donate page to see how you can support our work. Adding us as your chosen charity by using Amazon Smile is the easiest way to give and it won't cost you a dime. 🪙 Check it out!
Browse the Schedule
The schedule page is where you can always browse for classes, workshops, challenges and events. Reserve your spot, and get re-connected 🔌.


TUE 2-21-23 SEVEN CIRCLES @ 5:15 am

Can't make these dates? Bookmark our schedule page and stay tuned for what's to come!
Interested in volunteering? Check out our Serve article: